Monday, 14 September 2015

Thinking out loud

God created Adam and all the animals and even let him name them. They were a load of animals surrounding Adam but still God looked at him and saw his loneliness. "It is not good for man to alone" He said, and thereafter came Eve. A story we all are very conversant with, the first marriage to ever be recorded. Or was it? They didn't really do the whole vows thing, dowry and taking her hand stuff. But we are meant to believe that was the onset of the chemistry between two people. Am not hear to criticize the bible or anything, I would not even dare. Instead my interest in that chemistry.
I have always wondered what makes one so drown to another, you almost feel like you can not live without them. The issue of love baffles me like a lot. What makes you reach a point of even considering to take a bullet for someone?
All I can say is am still confused on the reasons behind this phenomena of love.
So what really drove me to write this? I was reading a book and the love between this two individuals was impeccable. In that this two would die for each other and with each other regardless. Is it real?or is it just in Kristen Heitzmann's imaginations? That's the author of the book.
The far I have come in my life the experience I have had with love, I wouldn't say I have reached such a point. Frankly even the mere idea of marriage is one I have never given a keen interest. The thought of giving someone the rest of my life, waking up to the same face seems to redundant to me. I am sucker for fixed things that never change. But is it not what God says? Or does He? That we should be married so the activity of intimacy does not remain sin. Does a commitment, a contract even, the vows, the dowry make sex change from sin to a conjugal right?
I don't know how I came to that but let's brainstorm. In this age and time open mindedness seems to take over religious beliefs. Or is it open mindedness or just mere disbelief? 
Some would scowl be for such thoughts but I tend to believe there's freedom of thought in Christianity. And yes I know the bible and what it says am well conversant. But is it not written that we are no longer under law but under grace. Though some would tell me Jesus said he didn't come to undo Moses' law but to build on it.
So then what does marriage got to do with transforming sin to conjugal rights? Is it because we have committed ourselves to God in the presence of many witness? If so if you have that commitment now and again does it make you promiscuous? And where does it even say we just marry, all I see is a woman shall leave her parents and be joined with the man. And there become one, flesh of my flesh ,bone of my bone.
And the million dollar question, is there only one person meant for each one us? The prince after all the frogs? The night in shinning armour after all that were killed by the fire breathing dragon? The one whose kiss will wake miss sleeping beauty. Okay,I watch a lot of animation but you get my point.
My conclusion is I will just continue loving and being loved back, if i ever get whatever people get that they decide to get married I will go for it. If not well I will live as I find diligent to.
That's jarkie for you, over and out.